A Tayō-sei Program

Group Mentorship Program

How it works

In many ways, the JET experience is universal for all participants, but in other ways it can be very different from person to person. There can be unique challenges and situations to navigate. The Tayō-sei Group Mentorship Program is an opportunity for JET sempai to share their diverse range of experiences, wisdom and insights with departing JETs in a safe space. The goal is to equip departing JETs with a better understanding of what to expect and how to successfully embrace their JET experiences both for themselves and their JET communities during their time in Japan.

Mentors (sempai) and mentees (kohai) will receive an invitation to USJETAA’s Discord server with a range of channels for a variety of special interest groups. Each group will typically have more than one sempai to offer varying perspectives and guidance. Special interest groups/Discord channels are determined by the lived experiences of our sempai community. Kohai are welcome to join as many channels as they wish. All participants are encouraged to post questions, share advice, resources, etc. on the Discord channels. Once a month, during June, July and August, the sempai from each channel will host a virtual gathering where all sempai and kohai will have the chance to chat face to face.

Tayō-sei Group Mentorship Sempai

2024 is our inaugural year for this group mentorship program. Mentors can choose the type and level of commitment they give. Mentors must be willing to utilize Discord as the communication platform for this program. Although most of the interactions will take place via the chat function, each group will gather virtually once a month and we hope that many of the mentors will be available for this face-to-face discussion with their mentees.

We expect all mentors to be ready to share their personal experiences, insight, and wisdom in the spirit of preparing this next cohort of diverse JET participants and set them up for success as they enter their Japanese communities.

Mentors will participate in an onboarding session with USJETAA and JETAA USA at the end of April/beginning of May. We expect the most active months of this program to be June, July and the beginning of August. All mentors should be registered members of USJETAA (free and supporting levels available).

*We are no longer accepting mentors for 2024. If you are interested in mentoring the 2025 cohort of departing JETs or beyond, please fill out the form below. We invite you to share your diverse experiences and perspectives with the next generation of JETs

Tayō-sei Group Mentorship Kohai

This mentorship program is a resources specifically aimed at our diverse community of departing JETs. This program welcomes all 2024 departing US JETs from across the nation, so your groups will reflect both mentors and mentees from near and far. *We expect all participants to be respectful and honor the privacy of the topics discussed in these groups.

Kohai should feel welcome to bring their concerns, questions and inquiries to the community with the expectation of receiving valuable and insightful guidance. Sempai will share their own personal experiences and advice to the best of their abilities and which reflect their lived experiences on the JET Program and in Japan. Your sempai may not be able to fully address your all of you questions and concerns, but they will do their best because they want you to enjoy and succeed during your time on JET.

Please fill out the form below to indicate your areas of interest and receive an invitation to the Tayō-sei Group Mentorship Discord space. By joining this program, you give USJETAA permission to add you to our community as a current JET. You will begin to receive our newsletter and communications with resources specifically for current JETs. (Please see our privacy policy here.)